What is Swimstar?

Swimstar is an app built by swimmers for swimmers. The app aims to provide swimmers with data insights into how the training they are doing is linked to how they perform on race day. The app takes a holistic view of the swimmer and records not only what is done in the pool but what they do in the gym, in land sessions and the effort put into hydration, nutrition and sleep. We hope to provide swimmers with more knowledge and understanding of the hard work they do and to get the most out of it. No individual becomes a competitive swimmer without a basic desire to be the fastest they can be and achieve their true potential. We want to support people to make this a reality through using Swimstar and create a swimming environment across the world where more people succeed than ever before.

Our Purpose

How it started

We have been where you are. We have been through the system from swimming lessons all the way up to performing at a high level and training in top level programmes. An unfortunate part of this process for most of us is that we train really hard, believe we are doing everything right and then it doesn’t go the way we want on race day. What we have learned over many years is that we are all individuals, what works for your teammates might not work for you and the solution could be found in the data. Sadly the vast majority of us don’t have access to the same data analysis that is available to the world’s best. We created swimstar to try and solve this problem. Swimstar is designed to provide data insights for the many, to help develop a better understanding of the training we do and the optimal way to do it.

Our Mission

How it works

Swimstar is designed to support you in reaching your potential by showing you the relationship between your training and your racing. By inputting your daily training, both in the pool and on land, Swimstar will give you insights as to what is working for you and track any changes to your training programme. It will visualise your data for you in graphs and charts and pick out interesting stats for you to note. You should build your swimmer profile with details about your current PB’s and training schedule.

Swimstar will use this information to show you how your racing is going and whether you are keeping up with your training programme. Use the Training Logbook to record daily pool training, land training and weight training. Use the Racing Logbook to enter race results from meets and log your future target meets. You can also keep track of your training personal bests and fitness test improvements to see any improvements in skill, endurance and explosive or dynamic strength.

Through the data centre you can visualise any changes in your training or racing and see stats on where your improvements are and also make deductions about any changes you might need to make. The news section will help keep you up to date with what’s going on in the swimming world and help to provide that extra bit of motivation to go after it. Swimstar will help you to gain a better understanding of your training, what works best for you and start your journey to success.

Our Vision

Aims for the future

At Swimstar we have big plans for the future. We want to be able to support swimmers reaching their goals for many years to come. To do this we know that we have to stay true to our core values and remember why we created Swimstar in the first place.

Our main aims are:
⦁ To help swimmers and coaches understand the impact their training may be having on their race results.
⦁ To empower swimmers to tailor training to their specific needs by visualising the data they provide in a way that allows them to see what is working and what isn’t.
⦁ To improve understanding of how each swimmer is an individual and training should be focused where possible to suit the individual.

If we manage to achieve this for even a small number of users then we would consider that to be an achievement.