Join thousands of swimmers who are transforming their training and performance with Swimstar. Our app helps you understand the impact of every stroke, every lift, and every meal on your race day performance.
Neque lacus nunc, vitae fames mattis proin dictum blandit quam.
Workout with friend
Tempus enim sed urna blandit mauris semper ligula.
Tracking & progress
Habitant nunc, volutpat urna quam purus purus nisi.
Fun & competitive
Semper justo malesuada nibh ipsum in fermentum non.
Music you love
Facilisis ut vulputate enim, viverra elementum, amet orci
Personalized diet menu
Aenean morbi gravida aliquet volutpat, et ligula augue
Swimstar Analytics
A caring swimming community
to help you improve or stay on track.
We have been where you are. We have been through the system from swimming lessons all the way up to performing at a high level and training in top level programmes.